**Originally in 2010 I completed an epic quest to write an A-Z of Children’s ministry, Now because of the epic fail detailed on an earlier blog post I am reposting an updated 2018 version! X… xylophone, xenophobia, xerography… X is for Xenagogue – From Greek, to lead,...
**Originally in 2010 I completed an epic quest to write an A-Z of Children’s ministry, Now because of the epic fail detailed on an earlier blog post I am reposting an updated 2018 version! W… water, witness, woah, wapenshaw… W is for Welcome – One of the...
**Originally in 2010 I completed an epic quest to write an A-Z of Children’s ministry, Now because of the epic fail detailed on an earlier blog post I am reposting an updated 2018 version! U… undies, uniform, uncle, Umbratious… U is for Unexpected – Give them half a...
**Originally in 2010 I completed an epic quest to write an A-Z of Children’s ministry, Now because of the epic fail detailed on an earlier blog post I am reposting an updated 2018 version! I… Igloo, ignoramus, ice age, itinerant… I is for Inclusive – This year at our...
**Originally in 2010 I completed an epic quest to write an A-Z of Children’s ministry, Now because of the epic fail detailed on an earlier blog post I am reposting an updated 2018 version! G… granny, gigantic, gross, gravity… G is for Growth – When I was...
**Originally in 2010 I completed an epic quest to write an A-Z of Children’s ministry, Now because of the epic fail detailed on an earlier blog post I am reposting an updated 2018 version! F… Funky, frantic, Futuristic… Fun. Think about that word… FUN. If I...
**Originally in 2010 I completed an epic quest to write an A-Z of Children’s ministry, Now because of the epic fail detailed on an earlier blog post I am reposting an updated 2018 version! E… Education, entertainment, Eric, eternal, effervescant… E is for Encouragement I firmly...
**Originally in 2010 I completed an epic quest to write an A-Z of Children’s ministry, Now because of the epic fail detailed on an earlier blog post I am reposting an updated 2018 version! D… Doctrine, dynamic, Donald Duck, delusion, darts… D is for Delegate… I...
It’s time. Time for something serious. I don’t do too many posts like this, but I hope this opens up some serious discussion in the comments, because controversy is what gets lots of comments in the blog world and I am unlikely to write...
This is a message for the volunteer living a big life; How to run a kids ministry in 4 hours a week. At Hillsong Church we have services ranging from maybe 10 kids all the way through to 700 kids in one service. On...